Dragon Warriors Discord
There is no official Dragon Warriors Forum but you can head over to Dragon Warriors RPG Discord community for a Fan made and moderated Server.
The Dragon Warriors Discord Community is not associated with Serpent King Games and does not profit from publishing material under the Dragon Warriors brand.
Casket of Fays Fanzine
The Casket of Fays is a Red Ruin Publishing fanzine for the Dragon Warriors RPG. Issues are compiled and edited by Simon Barns from submissions from the Dragon Warriors Discord Community and published quarterly on DriveThruRPG.com.
The Casket of Fays is not associated with Serpent King Games and does not profit from publishing material under the Dragon Warriors brand.
The Great Library of Hiabuor
The Great Library of Hiabuor, bills itself as a ‘repository of knowledge concerning the Lands of Legend, found on the Rathurbosk Bridge between Kurland and Krarth.’
The website is being put together by Shaun Hately who has been roleplaying for over 30 years and playing Dragon Warriors for at least twenty five of those. With the revival of the game in 2008, he was commmisioned to write a new adventure to demonstrate the game at coventions. This was A Weak Pleasure (cowritten by MarkTurner). He contributed, with a number of others, to the official Friends or Foes Dragon Warriors supplement.
Shaun administrates a discussion Great Library of Hiabuor / Dragon Warriors forum.
For history fans you can also take a look at one of the earliest Dragon Warriors websites (also created by Shaun) this has links to a few other free downloadable resources written by Shaun.
The Cowebbed Forest
The Cobwebbed Forest – A Library of Dragon Warriors Lore. Has been lovingly created by Lee Barklam. It’s another great source of inspiration. It has a wealth of downloadable material such as character sheets and profession references. There are also dozens of adventures inclding several unavailable elsewhere.
For long time fans of the game you will be delighted to know that Lee has PDFs of the original Draggon Warriors Wikki content available too.
I have to be honest though, my favourite thing about the website is the somewhat adictive Dark Labyrinth mini online game. Enter if you dare!