First up, apologies for taking so long to write this. As many of you know, this is very much a part-time labour of love for the two of us, and so while we agreed a few weeks back that we needed to write something… it’s taken a while to make the time. But it’s fitting that this is our first statement on anything in most of a decade.
Black lives matter.
Racial injustice, state violence, and other forms of oppression have a disproportionate impact on the Black community, both in the UK where we live, in the USA where protests against that oppression are ongoing, and elsewhere.
Silence is violence, but it is not enough to speak out. We have donated £500 to Black Protest Legal Support. Protests work, and it’s vital that activists can protest safely and receive help if arrested.
We will also be taking active steps to amplify more diverse voices and talents within the tabletop roleplaying game community. Our hobby has the potential to be inclusive and welcoming to all. Let’s work together to ensure we reach that potential. We’ll have more news on what we plan to do, in a few months. Our next few releases for Dragon Warriors are planned out already, but we still hope to make a start on this important work.