Welcome to Serpent King Games, the home of Dragon Warriors RPG

Players Book

First up, apologies for getting all of you as excited as we all got, towards the end of last year. The book has been all laid out and ready to go to print for three months now.

So, why don’t you have a copy in your hands yet? We ran into a few problems getting it uploaded to DriveThruRPG. These took a couple of months to resolve. We now do have the book uploaded and ready to print… but we’re waiting on two proof copies that have been posted out to us, one to our fantastic new layout expert Chris, and one to me, so we can give them one final check-over before we make this available to order for everyone.

Sorry, again, about the delay. As you’ll all know by now, the four of us are doing this part-time at best. It’s just a question of squeezing in time to do a bit of work in between day-jobs, studying, family, etc. That does make it very hard to get things out on schedule. I think we do pretty well at just about every other aspect of professionalism… but we’re bad at getting stuff printed on time. Hopefully things will get better.

We are eagerly awaiting those proof copies and will be giving them a good check-over as soon as we get them.

In the meantime, here’s a teaser pic of the Contents page, just to whet your appetite.

DragonWarriors – Players Guide-Contents

15 responses to “Players Book”

  1. Great news just seen the index page looks like its going to be well worth the wait

  2. Great! I was just going to ask when it would be available!
    One question: I was under the impression that the book would allow options to customise the existing classes, for example in my games I allow Knights to choose some abilities at 1st level and at 4th level, rather than relegating all the options at 8th level. Similarly for Barbarians.
    Is there something along these lines in the book?

    A possible piece of errata: the header “Secondary Skills” is repeated twice in the index.

  3. Great news Ian, thanks for the update! When you have checked the proof copies please let us know if they are ok or if you need to make some more changes.

  4. Antonio :
    Great! I was just going to ask when it would be available!
    One question: I was under the impression that the book would allow options to customise the existing classes, for example in my games I allow Knights to choose some abilities at 1st level and at 4th level, rather than relegating all the options at 8th level. Similarly for Barbarians.
    Is there something along these lines in the book?
    A possible piece of errata: the header “Secondary Skills” is repeated twice in the index.

    This. I thought the same thing. 🙁

    Other than that it looks solid. 🙂

  5. Is there good reason for having the Demonologist profession separate to the others, in the first section?

  6. Just got an email from DriveThruRPG saying that the Players Guide is available. Thank you and congratulations for getting it published.

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