Welcome to Serpent King Games, the home of Dragon Warriors RPG

6 responses to “”

  1. Brilliant! Thanks for these vids, certainly help to put one in the mood for a DW session. 🙂

    Though I own the extant Bestiary, I’d buy a revamped one if there was any added value to it. Hence, could you kindly let us know if you plan to do a straight reprint or something else?

    Something else that came up in the other trailor… I think the character sheet for DW could be way more evocative, e.g. in line with the old (and equally small-ish) character sheet for one of the Heroquest games. I can’t find the original scan on my harddrive, but here’s a revamped I did (for Pathfinder) on the basis of one of them:


  2. Hi Stefan,
    Glad you find the videos inspiring!

    I don’t think I’m giving too much away if I outline our plans as they stand: First order of business is to get all the books back out on sale, with updated errata and the new SKG logos. Other than that they are the same books as we saw published by Magnum Opus.

    Meanwhile we’re working away behind the scenes on the Players book, which is starting to take shape.

    We have another couple of brand new titles slated, but they are very much still in development, so it wouldn’t be right to talk about those just yet. However before we see those we do want to take a serious look at adding updates to the existing titles – I’d like to illustrate all of the creatures in the bestiary for example, but that won’t happen right away.

    All three partners (along with assistance from the mighty Edel in layout) are very much part time, so this is first and foremost about making and keeping the game available, and then looking at adding new content, titles and extra value to the existing books as a close second once that first order of business is achieved.

    Things like an updated character sheet are fairly straight forward for us to offer as downloads, much as I like the existing one, and will be something we will be taking a look at.


  3. Thanks for the teaser. It got me thinking and wondering: Do you plan to release a soundtrack?


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