
We’ve been a little quiet here at SKG for the last while so we thought we’d let you know how things are going. Firstly the fabled players guide: work is underway on the art for this. We have a cadre of – in my opinion – brilliant artists who really capture the “old school” feel of Dragon Warriors. The PG art will really harken back to those first six novel-sized books. You can find a couple of art teasers below by the amazing Jay Penn and Gordon Mackay.


Once the art is done we go to layout and final reviews. Fingers crossed we should have a product to show you shortly thereafter.




We’ve got a new scenario for you too: The Knight’s Tale, a story of intrigue and sorcery set in the land of Algandy. In this adventure you’ll get to hob-nob (great, now I want biscuits) with the nobility at the largest tourney in the Lands of Legend while immersing yourself in the dark underworld of Algandy’s politics.


Our next two planned adventures are The Summoner’s Tale and the Reeve’s Tale. More about those later…

11 responses to “Update”

  1. The pictures are quite good – for sure matching old Dragon Warriors ones.

    Great thanks for the update! I’m getting impatient waiting for something new for DW. 🙂

  2. Love the look of the new art here – was worried about post-Jon artwork but I like this feel of the old novel-books you’re going for. Nice work!

  3. That old school art… They really got it perfectly!
    Good to hear this is still coming.

  4. Just picked up Miller’s Tale, looking forward to running it because it has been a long while since we saw an official DW adventure, and I believe that the published adventures are one of DW’s greatest strengths (second only to the land of Legend itself).
    What sort of things have you guys got planned for DW long-term? You mentioned more “Tales”, and obviously there is also the long-awaited Players Book, but after that? I posted on Dave’s blog the other day about a Blood Sword campaign book – any chance we’ll ever see that? Or sourcebooks for each region of Legend?
    Anyway, thank you guys for keeping DW alive.

  5. Bloodsword is another licence but world guides are something we’ve had in mind for a while. At the moment the focus is on getting the PG out the door 🙂

  6. can’t wait! really cool pics – though I hope Jon Hodgson also left a few of his own, I really liked his art too. when is The Knight’s Tale going out? reading the post I had the impression it would be out already but no sign on DriveThru!

  7. @0neir0s
    Yup, I thought it would too. Our layout guy is up to his eyeballs in other work. I’d hope a week or two for knight’s tale.

  8. Maybe I misunderstood it, but from Dave’s reply at his blog, I was under the impression you guys did have the rights to do Bloodsword-based adventures. I will keep my fingers crossed for world guides, then. Maybe they could be split; in each book, have a players section with the general info that a PC could be expected to know, and a GMs secrets section with everything that the PCs would not know: new monsters, NPCs, adventures, etc. Would that not help you sell more units? Because “GM only” sourcebooks are only bought for GMs, so surely including content for players in each book could improve sales? I would imagine that sales of adventures suffer for similar reasons: only one person in each group needs to buy the thing.

  9. Yes, adventures and GM-only books tend to sell a lot less than player-focused releases. But without bringing out sourcebooks for each profession DW isn’t a system that lends itself to dozens of sourcebooks. In fact, I’m fairly sure that fans would (rightly) lynch us if we brought out sourcebooks for each profession 🙂

    I do think the world needs expanding so I’d like to bring that into the next few releases. Knight’s Tale includes more information on Algandy and after that we’ll see.

  10. Very glad to hear about the world being expanded, even if it is just a little bit at a time like what you have mentioned about Algandy. After all, a Blood Sword campaign can be adapted from the game books. Will eagerly await every new release, but especially any world books.

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